Getting stuck

‘Find your breath, find your flow.’” Abstract circles flowing together

Art by Michele Walker

This week I got stuck. You know like you’re slogging through sticky clay silt at the edge of a river or lake. My thinking got stuck in fear of what is next and then I began trying to control things to make the fear go away. It didn’t work.

It is amazing how giving coaching sessions can remind me of what my ego has helped me forget. We talked about the some of my favourite ways to find the flow again and I began to remember what I needed to shift back into flow.

I love to draw with breath - to focus on my breathing and begin to draw with each breath allowing my movement and breath to become synchronized. I often end up drawing circles as I find the flow of them is comforting. This brought me out of future thinking and back to the present, back to the paper and the colours, back to breath, back to my soul.



How we see things