Planting Seeds

Planting Seeds - Photograph LeAnn Blackert, Editing Michele Walker

Out on a wander with friends today I saw these clumps of seeds, so soft and so many the wind easily picked them up and while holding them I realized they would travel with whoever brushed against them as they stubbornly stuck to my shawl.  These were from the bull rushes that loved the wetlands in this park and given the number of these beautiful plants the seeds have been planting themselves for many seasons. These seeds caught my eye because I have been thinking about small seeds growing big and beautiful. With spring coming there are certainly many seeds beginning to sprout and some still waiting for the ground to warm a little more, needing just a little extra love to wake them up.  But it’s not plants I have been thinking about. 

I had heard whispers for many years that I was called to walk in the world in a new and different way.  At one point I got the tattoo of a fiddlehead fern with YES reminding me to say yes to those whispers that start out small and grow into big and beautiful creations. I would make steps towards understanding what this meant for me but I would get stuck and stay there until I heard those whispers again, that tattoo reminding me to say YES.  Four years ago I began to move in the direction my Soul - my true self- wanted me to go. It has been a wild adventure of discovering myself and my calling.  

In the summer I decided to quit the work I have been doing for the past 28 years, supporting women and children who are experiencing violence. I didn’t have a plan just some seeds. In the fall I decided to plant and starting my journey to become a Jungian Life Coach and Spiritual Guide. I am continuing to nurture those seeds as I launch my business, Wild River Soul Coaching.  I have loved my journey and am busy giving my seeds all they need to grow. I hope you will come along for this next part of my adventure to see what the seeds grow into.  


The Simple Gift

